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Internal Parallax

Internal Parallax creates an illusion of layers going inside the Mesh. Similar to an "infinite mirror" effect, it can be used to create stylized parallax effects in the specified areas.

Parallax Mode

  • Type: Dropdown, Options: Basic/HeightMap

Determines the Parallax Mode to use for the Internal Parallax.


Basic Parallax as determined by the Map.


Uses the Height Map technique to create the Internal Parallax.

Internal Map

  • Type: Color Texture (sRGB = On)

Color Map to use for the Internal Map. RGB for Color, and A channel for the Height.


  • Type: Data Texture (sRGB = Off)

Clamps the Internal Parallax to only affect a specified area as determined by the Mask.

Layer Controls

Parallax Internal Iterations

  • Type: Float, Range: 1.0 - 50.0

How many iterations should there be for the Parallax. Higher numbers yield more iterations.

Min Depth

  • Type: Float

The Minimum Depth for the Parallax.

Max Depth

  • Type: Float

The Maximum Depth for the Parallax.

Layer Colors

Min Depth Brightness

  • Type: Float, Range: 0.0 - 5.0

Minimum Brightness intensity of the Minimum Depth Color.

Max Depth Brightness

  • Type: Float, Range: 0.0 - 5.0

Maximum Brightness intensity fo the Maximum Depth Color.

Min Depth Color

  • Type: Color

Color to use for the Minimum Depth.

Max Depth Color

  • Type: Color

Color to use for the Maximum Depth.

Internal Blend Mode

  • Type: Dropdown, Options: Add/Max

How much to blend the Internal Parallax with the Base Color.

Surface Blend Mode

  • Type: Dropdown, Options: Replace/Darken/Multiply/Lighten/Screen/Subtract/Add/Overlay/Mixed

How much to blend the Surface of the Internal Parallax to the Base Color.

Hue Shift

  • Type: Checkbox

Enables the Hue Shift feature of the Internal Parallax.

Hue Shift

  • Type: Float, Range: 0.0 - 1.0

How much to shift the base color around the hue circle.

This value is circular, and will have the same result at 0 and 1.

Hue Shift Speed

  • Type: Float

How much to constantly shift the hue with time. A value of 1 will result in a full hue shift cycle every 20 seconds.

Hue Shift Per Level

  • Type: Float

How much to constantly shift the hue with each level of the Parallax.