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Truchet Pro

Truchet is a feature that generates a pattern of non-rotationally symmetric tiles consisting of multiple two-diametrically opposed quarter-circle (Smith) tiles.

Read More about Truchet Tiles on this external page

Pro Only

This Feature is only available in Poiyomi Pro! Subscribe to the Patreon at the $10 tier or higher to access it.


  • Type: Dropdown, Options: UV0/UV1/UV2/UV3/Panosphere/World Pos/Local Pos/Polar UV/Distorted UV

Choice of UV to project the Truchet effect on.


  • Type: Dropdown, Options: Replace/Darken/Multiply/Lighten/Screen/Subtract/Add/Overlay/Mixed

Which blending operation to use for the Decal's base color.

These are the same blending operations used in Adobe Photoshop.

Pan & Offset

  • Type: Float4

Configures the amount of Panning to run on the Truchet. This can also configure the offset of each Truchet tile.

PanXHow much to pan the Truchet on the X-axis.
PanYHow much to pan the Truchet on the Y-axis.
OffXHow much to offset each tile on the X-axis.
OffYHow much to offset each tile on the Y-axis.


  • Type: Float

Configures the density of how many Truchet tiles should appear in the tile.


  • Type: Color

Configures the Color of the Truchet.

Truchet Texture

  • Type: Color Texture (sRGB = On)

Which texture to use for the Truchet pattern.

Truchet Mask

  • Type: Data Texture (sRGB = On)

Mask to use to clamp the Truchet effect to only a specific area on the UV.

Emission Strength

  • Type: Float, Range: 0.0 - 20.0

How much Emission to apply to the Truchet Color. Higher values will yield a bloom-like effect in certain Worlds.


  • Type: Float, Range: 0.0 - 0.5

Determines how thick each quarter-circle should be drawn.

Edge Sharpness

  • Type: Float, Range: 0.0 - 1.0

Determines how sharp the edge of each quarter-circle. This can be used to create either a sharp edge or a more softer and smooth edge.


  • Type: Float, Range: 0.0 - 1.0

How much to apply the Truchet to the Base Color.


This slider can be used to control the main appearance of the Truchet.

Override Alpha

  • Type: Checkbox

If enabled, will override the Alpha/Transparency from the Base, if Transparency exists.


This section allows control of Truchet through AudioLink. It will only be exposed when AudioLink is activated on the Material.

Hide When No AL

  • Type: Checkbox

If enabled, the Truchet will be completely hidden when there's NO AudioLink whatsoever.

AL Emission

  • TYpe: Checkbox

Enables the ability to control the Truchet Emission using AudioLink.

Emission Band

  • Type: Dropdown, Options: Bass/Low Mid/High Mid/Treble

Which band to use for the Audio Link Emission adjustment.

Emission Mod

  • Type: Vector2

How much to modify the Emission of the Truchet.

XAmount Added to Emission with no audio in Emission Band
YAmount Added to Emission with max audio in Emission Band

AL Alpha

  • TYpe: Checkbox

Enables the ability to control the Truchet Alpha using AudioLink.

Alpha Band

  • Type: Dropdown, Options: Bass/Low Mid/High Mid/Treble

Which band to use for the Audio Link Alpha adjustment.

Alpha Multiply

  • Type: Vector2

How much to multiply the Alpha of the Truchet.

XAmount Multiplied to Alpha with no audio in Alpha Band
YAmount Multiplied to Alpha with max audio in Alpha Band

Chrono Pan

  • Type: Checkbox

Enables the ability to use Chronotensity timing on the Truchet.


  • Type: Dropdown, Options: Bass/Low Mid/High Mid/Treble

Which band to use for the Audio Link Chrono Rotation adjustment.

Chrono Motion Type

  • Type: Dropdown

Which motion type to use for the Chrono Pan. Chronotensity is an Audio Link feature that allows time-dependent features, which shaders alone cannot do. In this case, chronotensity is used to create a time-dependent rotation of the Truchet.

Chrono Motion Type Options
  • Motion Increases as intensity of the band increases
  • Above but Smooth
  • Motion moves back and forth as a function of intensity
  • Above but Smoooth
  • Fixed Speed Increase when the band is dark Stationary when light
  • Above but Smooooth
  • Fixed Speed Increase when the band is dark Fixed speed decrease when light

Pan Speed

  • Type: Float2

Amount to pan the Truchet with AudioLink.

XHow much to pan the Truchet on the X-axis with AudioLink.
XHow much to pan the Truchet on the Y-axis with AudioLink.