Truchet Pro
Truchet is a feature that generates a pattern of non-rotationally symmetric tiles consisting of multiple two-diametrically opposed quarter-circle (Smith) tiles.
Read More about Truchet Tiles on this external page
This Feature is only available in Poiyomi Pro! Subscribe to the Patreon at the $10 tier or higher to access it.
: Dropdown, Options:UV0
/World Pos
/Local Pos
/Polar UV
/Distorted UV
Choice of UV to project the Truchet effect on.
: Dropdown, Options:Replace
Which blending operation to use for the Decal's base color.
These are the same blending operations used in Adobe Photoshop.
Pan & Offset
: Float4
Configures the amount of Panning to run on the Truchet. This can also configure the offset of each Truchet tile.
Modifier | Function |
PanX | How much to pan the Truchet on the X-axis. |
PanY | How much to pan the Truchet on the Y-axis. |
OffX | How much to offset each tile on the X-axis. |
OffY | How much to offset each tile on the Y-axis. |
: Float
Configures the density of how many Truchet tiles should appear in the tile.
: Color
Configures the Color of the Truchet.
Truchet Texture
: Color Texture (sRGB = On
Which texture to use for the Truchet pattern.
Truchet Mask
: Data Texture (sRGB = On
Mask to use to clamp the Truchet effect to only a specific area on the UV.
Emission Strength
: Float, Range:0.0 - 20.0
How much Emission to apply to the Truchet Color. Higher values will yield a bloom-like effect in certain Worlds.
: Float, Range:0.0 - 0.5
Determines how thick each quarter-circle should be drawn.
Edge Sharpness
: Float, Range:0.0 - 1.0
Determines how sharp the edge of each quarter-circle. This can be used to create either a sharp edge or a more softer and smooth edge.
: Float, Range:0.0 - 1.0
How much to apply the Truchet to the Base Color.
This slider can be used to control the main appearance of the Truchet.
Override Alpha
: Boolean
If enabled, will override the Alpha/Transparency from the Base, if Transparency exists.
The settings in this section will only be visible when AudioLink is activated on the Material.
Hide When No AL
: Boolean
If enabled, the Truchet will be completely hidden when there's NO AudioLink whatsoever.
AL Emission
: Boolean
Enables the ability to control the Truchet Emission using AudioLink.
Emission Band
: Dropdown, Options:Bass
/Low Mid
/High Mid
Which band to use for the Audio Link Emission adjustment.
Emission Mod
: Vector2
How much to modify the Emission of the Truchet.
Channel | Function |
X | Amount Added to Emission with no audio in Emission Band |
Y | Amount Added to Emission with max audio in Emission Band |
AL Alpha
: Boolean
Enables the ability to control the Truchet Alpha using AudioLink.
Alpha Band
: Dropdown, Options:Bass
/Low Mid
/High Mid
Which band to use for the Audio Link Alpha adjustment.
Alpha Multiply
: Vector2
How much to multiply the Alpha of the Truchet.
Channel | Function |
X | Amount Multiplied to Alpha with no audio in Alpha Band |
Y | Amount Multiplied to Alpha with max audio in Alpha Band |
Chrono Pan
: Boolean
Enables the ability to use Chronotensity timing on the Truchet.
: Dropdown, Options:Bass
/Low Mid
/High Mid
Which band to use for the Audio Link Chrono Rotation adjustment.
Chrono Motion Type
: Dropdown
Which motion type to use for the Chrono Pan. Chronotensity is an Audio Link feature that allows time-dependent features, which shaders alone cannot do. In this case, chronotensity is used to create a time-dependent rotation of the Truchet.
Chrono Motion Type Options
- Motion Increases as intensity of the band increases
- Above but Smooth
- Motion moves back and forth as a function of intensity
- Above but Smoooth
- Fixed Speed Increase when the band is dark Stationary when light
- Above but Smooooth
- Fixed Speed Increase when the band is dark Fixed speed decrease when light
Pan Speed
: Float2
Amount to pan the Truchet with AudioLink.
Modifier | Function |
X | How much to pan the Truchet on the X-axis with AudioLink. |
X | How much to pan the Truchet on the Y-axis with AudioLink. |