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Stats Overlay

Stats Overlay is a feature that can display a variety of unique statistics about the viewer, including their FPS, world position, and time in instance. These statistics can be placed and scaled like decals, anywhere on a material UV.

Stats overlay uses an MSDF (Multichannel Signed Distance Field) Font Format efficiently draw very sharp text. This font array texture must be specified in the Font Array slot!


Stats overlay only shows stats for the viewer - not for the person with the material! That means that the values will be different for each viewer.

Font Array

  • Type: Data Texture (sRGB OFF)

Texture that defines the font data to use. Two fonts in four variations are included in the package:

  • T_DigitalBold_FONT: Bold digital-display style font
  • T_RobotoBlack_FONT: "Roboto" typeface, Black styling
  • T_RobotoMedium_FONT: "Roboto" typeface, Medium Bold styling
  • T_RobotoRegular_FONT: "Roboto" typeface, Regular styling

Pixel Range

  • Type: Float

Pixel range to use to sample the edge of the font SDF. Can generally be left at the default value of 4.


  • Type: Boolean

Enables or Disables the FPS counter.


  • Type: Dropdown, Options: UV0/UV1/UV2/UV3/Panosphere/World Pos XZ/Polar UV/Distorted UV

UV Map to use for the FPS counter.


  • Type: Color

Color of the FPS Counter text.

Emission Strength

  • Type: Float, Range: 0.0 - 20.0

Emission strength of the FPS Counter text. Draws from the color.


  • Type: Vector2

Where the FPS Counter text should be placed on the UV, relative to the bottom left corner of the UV. A value of 1,1 would place the bottom left of the text at the top right of the UV.


  • Type: Float, Range: 0.0 - 360.0

How much rotation to apply to the FPS Counter text, around its center position.


  • Type: Vector2

How large the text should be, in UV space. 1.0, 1.0 would map the text to the entire UV square. Generally, the Y Value should be a fraction of the X value, as the text is much wider than it is tall.

Padding Reduction

  • Type: Vector4

How much additional padding to remove from the edges of the FPS Counter text. The Z value is particularly useful for slightly increasing the size of characters.


  • Type: Boolean

Enables or Disables the World Position display.

Position UV

  • Type: Dropdown, Options: UV0/UV1/UV2/UV3/Panosphere/World Pos XZ/Polar UV/Distorted UV

UV Map to use for the World Position text.


  • Type: Color

Color of the World Position text.

Emission Strength

  • Type: Float, Range: 0.0 - 20.0

Emission strength of the World Position text. Draws from the color.


  • Type: Vector2

Where the World Position text should be placed on the UV, relative to the bottom left corner of the UV. A value of 1,1 would place the bottom left of the text at the top right of the UV.


  • Type: Float, Range: 0.0 - 360.0

How much rotation to apply to the World Position text, around its center position.


  • Type: Vector2

How large the text should be, in UV space. 1.0, 1.0 would map the text to the entire UV square. Generally, the Y Value should be a fraction of the X value, as the text is much wider than it is tall.

Padding Reduction

  • Type: Vector4

How much additional padding to remove from the edges of the World Position text. The Z value is particularly useful for slightly increasing the size of characters.

Instance Time

  • Type: Boolean

Enables or Disables display of the time in the instance.

Time UV

  • Type: Dropdown, Options: UV0/UV1/UV2/UV3/Panosphere/World Pos XZ/Polar UV/Distorted UV

UV Map to use for the Instance Time text.


  • Type: Color

Color of the Instance Time text.

Emission Strength

  • Type: Float, Range: 0.0 - 20.0

Emission strength of the Instance Time text. Draws from the color.


  • Type: Vector2

Where the Instance Time text should be placed on the UV, relative to the bottom left corner of the UV. A value of 1,1 would place the bottom left of the text at the top right of the UV.


  • Type: Float, Range: 0.0 - 360.0

How much rotation to apply to the Instance Time text, around its center position.


  • Type: Vector2

How large the text should be, in UV space. 1.0, 1.0 would map the text to the entire UV square. Generally, the Y Value should be a fraction of the X value, as the text is much wider than it is tall.

Padding Reduction

  • Type: Vector4

How much additional padding to remove from the edges of the Instance Time text. The Z value is particularly useful for slightly increasing the size of characters.