Vertex Options
Vertex Options provides options related to the position of model vertices, and can be used to manipulate a material's vertices in various ways without actually modifying the mesh.
This section can be described by Poiyomi as "the silly options" due to the amount of weird and strange things that can be accomplished with Vertex Options.
Demonstration of two Material Spheres being manipulated by various settings.Local Translation
: Vector3
How much to move the vertices of the mesh (in units of meters) with respect to its local coordinate system, on a per-axis basis. This means that it will line up with the mesh regardless of the mesh's rotation, and will be scaled with the scaling of the mesh's axes.
World Translation
: Vector3
How much to move the vertices of the mesh (in units of meters) with respect to the world coordinate system, on a per-axis basis. This means that it will not necessarily line up with the mesh if the mesh is rotated, and will always uniformly move the mesh regardless of the mesh's scaling.
: Vector4
How much to scale the mesh relative to its local coordinate system, on a per-axis basis. The X, Y, and Z value affect their respective axes, while the W value scales all axes uniformly.
: Vector3
How much to rotate the vertices of the mesh (in units of degrees) with respect to its local coordinate system, on a per-axis basis.
Rotation Speed
: Vector3
How much constant rotation speed to apply to the vertices of the mesh, on a per-axis basis. This is defined in degrees per 20
seconds, so a value of 360
will complete one rotation in 20
seconds, while a value of 7200
would complete one rotation per second.
Height Map
Height Map
: Data Texture (sRGB OFF)
A texture used to modify the vertex height adjustment. This represents the low and high points of to be used for vertex modification.
: Float
How much to offset the vertices of the mesh (in units of meters) along the vertex normals. This will apply a constant value regardless of the mesh's scaling. The modified height is scaled by the Height Map and modified by the Mask Bias.
Map Bias
: Float, Range:0.0 - 1.0
How much to offset the vertex height for the mask. A value of 0
will mean that the vertex height will only move up from the unmodified position. A value of 0.5
will mean the vertex height will go down by half the vertex height where the mask is pure black, up by half the vertex height where the mask is pure white. A value of 1.0
means the vertex height will only move down from the unmodified position.
Vertex Rounding (Blocky/PS1)
: Boolean
Vertex Rounding snaps vertices to specific intervals in the world coordinate system. The amount of snap interval is defined by the Rounding Interval. This option can be used to create retro effects or pixelation.
Example of how adjusting the Rounding Interval can influence how many pixelation is performed.Rounding Space
: Dropdown, Options:Local
Defines where to calculate the Rounding Interval from. If set to Local
, it will calculate from the scale of the Mesh it's using. If set to World
, it will calculate from the World's scale.
Rounding Interval
Defines the interval for vertex rounding. This is defined as the distance between points in local space, in base units of meters. For example, a value of 0.1
will round vertices to the nearest tenth of a meter (if the object is scaled uniformly).
Barrel Distortion
: Boolean
Barrel Distortion allows the vertices to snap and morph the mesh into a cylinder/barrel-shape form.
Example of what Barrel Distortion will do to the mesh. Notice how it makes it shape close to a cylinder.Barrel Width
: Float
The width of the Barrel in world space, measured in meters.
Barrel Alpha
: Float, Range:0.0 - 1.0
Determines how much to distort and morph into the barrel-shape.
Barrel Height
: Float, Range:0.0 - 1.0
Determines how much to stretch the edges of the "barrel" outside of the shape.
Sphere Distortion
: Boolean
Enables the ability to snap and morph the mesh into a spherical shape and form.
Example of Sphere Distortion. Notice how adjusting the settings can make it morph closer to an actual Sphere, based on the Sphere Center defined.Sphere Radius
: Float, Range:0.0 - 1.0
Determines how circular the spherical shape is morphed into.
Sphere Height
: Float, Range:0.0 - 1.0
Determines how tall the spherical shape is morphed.
Sphere Alpha
: Float, Range:0.0 - 1.0
Main slider. Determines how much to distort and morph into a spherical shape and form.
Sphere Center
: Vector3
Determines the center origin of the morphed spherical shape and form in the local axis.
: Boolean
Enables the ability to morph the mesh into an animated swirling funnel, or a "Tornado" effect.
The location of the Top Height and Bottom Height is determined by the current direction of the Y-axis on the mesh.
: Float
Determines the maximum width of the funnel.
Spiral Intensity
: Float
Determines the visual intensity of the funnel. Lower values are less intensive and can emulate a funky water effect, while values over 100
will intensify the swirl even further to emulate a twister.
Rotation Speed
: Float
How fast should each swirl rotate. The higher the value, the faster the swirl.
Top Height
: Float
Determines the top height of the funnel.
Bottom Height
: Float
Determines the bottom lower height of the funnel.
Audio Link
: Boolean
Enables the ability to manipulate the Vertex Options in response to AudioLink.
The settings in this section will only be visible when AudioLink is activated on the Material.
Local Translation
Options for adjusting the Local Translation in response to AudioLink bands.
: Dropdown, Options:Bass
/Low Mid
/High Mid
AudioLink Band to use for Local Translation adjustments.
Translation Min
: Vector3
Translation adjustment used when Local Translate Band has no audio.
Translation Max
: Vector3
Translation adjustment used when Local Translate Band has max audio.
Local Rotation
Options for rotating directly in response to AudioLink bands.
Band X
: Dropdown, Options:Bass
/Low Mid
/High Mid
Audio Link band to use for rotation in X.
Band Y
: Dropdown, Options:Bass
/Low Mid
/High Mid
Audio Link band to use for rotation in Y.
Band Z
: Dropdown, Options:Bass
/Low Mid
/High Mid
Audio Link band to use for rotation in Z.
: Vector3
How much the rotation to apply to the vertices of the mesh, on a per-axis basis, for the given band.
Continuous Rotation
Options for rotating continuously in response to AudioLink bands.
Band X
: Dropdown, Options:Bass
/Low Mid
/High Mid
Audio Link band to use for continuous rotation in X.
Motion Type X
: Dropdown
Which continuous motion mode to use for the X rotation.
Motion Type X Options
- Motion Increases as intensity of the band increases
- Above but Smooth
- Motion moves back and forth as a function of intensity
- Above but Smoooth
- Fixed Speed Increase when the band is dark Stationary when light
- Above but Smooooth
- Fixed Speed Increase when the band is dark Fixed speed decrease when light
Band Y
: Dropdown, Options:Bass
/Low Mid
/High Mid
Audio Link band to use for continuous rotation in Y.
Motion Type Y
: Dropdown
Which continuous motion mode to use for the Y rotation.
Motion Type Y Options
- Motion Increases as intensity of the band increases
- Above but Smooth
- Motion moves back and forth as a function of intensity
- Above but Smoooth
- Fixed Speed Increase when the band is dark Stationary when light
- Above but Smooooth
- Fixed Speed Increase when the band is dark Fixed speed decrease when light
Band Z
: Dropdown, Options:Bass
/Low Mid
/High Mid
Audio Link band to use for continuous rotation in Z.
Motion Type Z
: Dropdown
Which continuous motion mode to use for the Z rotation.
Motion Type Z Options
- Motion Increases as intensity of the band increases
- Above but Smooth
- Motion moves back and forth as a function of intensity
- Above but Smoooth
- Fixed Speed Increase when the band is dark Stationary when light
- Above but Smooooth
- Fixed Speed Increase when the band is dark Fixed speed decrease when light
: Vector3
Scaler for continuous rotation on each axis.
Vertex Scale
Options for local vertex scaling in response to AudioLink.
: Dropdown, Options:Bass
/Low Mid
/High Mid
Audio Link band to use for vertex scale.
Scale Min
: Vector3
Scale state used when Scale Band has no audio.
Scale Max
: Vector3
Scale state used when Scale Band has max audio.
World Translation
Options for world translation in response to AudioLink.
: Dropdown, Options:Bass
/Low Mid
/High Mid
Audio Link band to use for World Translation.
World Translation Min
: Vector3
World Translation state used when Scale Band has no audio.
World Translation Max
: Vector3
World Translation state used when Scale Band has max audio.
Vertex Height
Options for vertex height in response to AudioLink.
: Dropdown, Options:Bass
/Low Mid
/High Mid
Audio Link band to use for World Translation.
: Vector2
How much to add (or subtract) from vertex height. The X value is the height added with no volume in the Vertex Height Band, and the Y value is the height added with maximum volume.
Vertex Rounding
Options for rounding in response to AudioLink.
: Dropdown, Options:Bass
/Low Mid
/High Mid
Audio Link band to use for World Translation.
: Vector2
How much to add (or subtract) from vertex rounding. The X value is the height added with no volume in the Vertex Height Band, and the Y value is the height added with maximum volume.
Spectrum Motion
: Boolean
Enables a very interesting effect where the entirety of the Mesh is morphed to look like a visualizer in response to AudioLink.
: Dropdown, Options:UV0
Selection of UV to use. This selection will determine which vertices the Spectrum Motion will affect.
UV Direction
: Dropdown, Options:X
Which direction on the UV will Spectrum Motion be manipulated from. X
will be the left-right direction of the UV, while Y
will be the up-down direction of the UV.
Offset Min
: Vector4
How much to offset the Spectrum Motion when no audio is present.
Offset Max
How much to offset the Spectrum Motion when full audio from AudioLink peaks.