Vertex Colors
The Vertex Colors section provides options for using a Mesh's Vertex Colors to affect the Base color and Alpha. Vertex Colors are determined by the embedded Color Attributes of a Mesh, which were painted on from 3D Software such as Blender.
Vertex Colors can also be used as Masks in different parts of the Shader, such as RGBA Color Masking and Global Masks.
This video shows how the shader will read Vertex Colors if the Mesh itself has assigned Color Attributes.Linear Colors
: Boolean
Whether to convert the mesh vertex colors from gamma space to linear space.
Use Vertex Color
: Float, Range:0.0 - 1.0
How much to blend vertex colors with the base color. Colors are blended multiplicative with the base color.
Use Vertex Color Alpha
: Float, Range:0.0 - 1.0
How much to blend vertex alpha with the base alpha. Alpha is blended multiplicative with the base alpha.