Parallax Heightmapping
Parallax Heightmapping is a feature that can simulate large bumps and protrusions on a Material. It utilizes a specialized linear texture that determines how much depth there is on the Material.
This feature is similar to the Height Map function found in the Unity Standard Shader, but with some more options available for additional tweaks.
Parallax Heightmapping is an expensive feature. We recommend you use Normal Maps instead.
Applies To
: Dropdown, Options:UV0
/World Pos
/Local Pos
/Polar UV
/Distorted UV
Choice of UV to use for the Parallax Heightmapping feature.
: Data Texture (sRGB = OFF
The main Height Map texture slot, defining where the bumps and protrusions should be simulated. Darker colors in Grayscale will yield larger depth.
: Data Texture (sRGB = OFF
Optional Mask that can be used to constrain the Height Map to only affect a specified area.
: Float, Range:0.0 - 1.0
Determines the strength of the Height Map. Higher values will yield larger depth.
Curvature U
: Float, Range:0.0 - 100.0
Adjusts the curvature of the parallax on the Local Horizontal axis.
Curvature V
: Float, Range:0.0 - 30.0
Adjusts the curvature of the parallax on the Local Vertical axis.
Steps Min
: Float, Range:0.0 - 128.0
Minimum amount of parallax steps to generate at the beginning of the parallax.
Steps Max
: Float, Range:0.0 - 128.0
Maximum amount of parallax steps to generate at the end of the parallax.
Curvature Bias
: Float, Range:0.0 - 1.0
Adjusts the bias of the curvature when rendering the parallax.