LTCGI is an optimized plug-and-play realtime area lighting solution using the linearly transformed cosine algorithm for standalone Unity and VRChat. When enabled in Poiyomi Shaders, it can dynamically illuminate your mesh and sample realtime reflections from a World that is actively producing LTCGI.
For more detailed information on this system, visit the LTCGI Documentation .
The LTCGI feature in Poiyomi Shaders is planned to be reworked in a future version of Poiyomi Shaders. Everything here is subject to change at any time.
Anim Toggle
: Boolean
Animate this boolean (checkbox) when creating toggles for LTCGI on this Material. Animating the Section Header will not work!
Diffuse Tint
: Color
Color to blend multiplicatively with LTCGI to tint the lighting. Use shades of gray to darken lighting as desired.
Specular Tint
: Color
Color to blend multiplicatively with LTCGI to tint the reflection. Use shades of gray to darken reflections as desired.
Use Reflection and Specular
: Boolean
When enabled, will sample the metallicity and smoothness values from Reflections & Specular for LTCGI.
If Reflections & Specular module is turned off, the sliders below will appear and serve as a fallback.
These sliders will also appear if you turn off this checkbox.
: Float, Range:0.0 - 1.0
Determines how metallic the surface is.
: Float, Range:0.0 - 1.0
Determines how rough or smooth the specular reflections are.