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Anisotropics is a feature that emulates the rendering of anisotropic fabrics. This can be used as a way to create shiny fabric effects such as silk, satin, nylon, and polyester.

While this may look similar to a Silk Shader found in other rendering engines, the options provided can provide a way to make it similar to how it looks in Unity. However, the results may not always be accurate due to the limitations of the Built-In Render Pipeline (BIRP).

Color & Offset

  • Type: Color Texture (sRGB = ON)

Texture Slot that defines the main RGB Color of your Anisotropics. The Alpha channel can be used to define the offset.

Replace Blending

  • Type: Float, Range: 0.0 - 1.0

How much to replace the Anisotropic from the Base Color.

Add Blending

  • Type: Float, Range: 0.0 - 1.0

How much to add the Anisotropic to the Base Color.

Hide In Shadow

  • Type: Float, Range: 0.0 - 1.0

How much to hide the Anisotropic in Shadows.

Mix Light Color

  • Type: Float, Range: 0.0 - 1.0

How much to mix the Light Color to the Anisotropic.

Mix Base Color

  • Type: Float, Range: 0.0 - 1.0

How much to mix the Base Color to the Anisotropic.

Global Mask

  • Type: Dropdown, Options: Off/1R/1G/1B/1A/2R/2G/2B/2A/3R/3G/3B/3A/4R/4G/4B/4A

Option to use a Global Mask for the Anisotropics.

Top Layer


  • Type: Float, Range: 0.0 - 1.0

Amount of power the Top Layer is applied to the Anisotropic.


  • Type: Float, Range: 0.0 - 1.0

How strong the Top Layer apples to the Anisotropic.


  • Type: Float, Range: -10.0 - 10.0

The offset amount of the Top Layer.

Map Offset Strength

  • Type: Float, Range: 0.0 - 1.0

Amount of strength to the offset.


  • Type: Color

The Color Tint of the Top Layer.

Switch Direction

  • Type: Checkbox

If enabled, flips the direction of the Top Layer.

Stylized Mode

  • Type: Checkbox

Enables Edge and Blur adjustment sliders for the Top Layer.

Stylized Mode Options


  • Type: Float, Range: 0.0 - 1.0

How much to adjust the Edge of the Top Layer.


  • Type: Float, Range: 0.0 - 1.0

How much to Blur the Edge of the Top Layer.

Bottom Layer


  • Type: Float, Range: 0.0 - 1.0

Amount of power the Bottom Layer is applied to the Anisotropic.


  • Type: Float, Range: 0.0 - 1.0

How strong the Bottom Layer apples to the Anisotropic.


  • Type: Float, Range: -10.0 - 10.0

The offset amount of the Bottom Layer.

Map Offset Strength

  • Type: Float, Range: 0.0 - 1.0

Amount of strength to the offset.


  • Type: Color

The Color Tint of the Bottom Layer.

Switch Direction

  • Type: Checkbox

If enabled, flips the direction of the Bottom Layer.

Stylized Mode

  • Type: Checkbox

Enables Edge and Blur adjustment sliders for the Bottom Layer.

Stylized Mode Options


  • Type: Float, Range: 0.0 - 1.0

How much to adjust the Edge of the Bottom Layer.


  • Type: Float, Range: 0.0 - 1.0

How much to Blur the Edge of the Bottom Layer.