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Poiyomi Toon 9.1.25 & Pro 9.2.15 Changelog

· One min read
Shader Developer

This update contains some critical fixes and is recommended for all users. The Toon version is now available in the VCC Repository, GitHub, and on BOOTH.


  • Fixed a bug with Multilayer Math shading missing the toggle for Shadow Border Map.

Pro Changes

Grab the latest package of Pro from the Discord Server.

  • Reduced Clip Distance in Rendering now functions correctly when used with Geometric Dissolve.
  • Fixed UDIM issues in Geometric Dissolve. UV Tile Geometric Dissolve should now work correctly on UV1, UV2, and UV3.

Poiyomi Toon 9.1.24 & Pro 9.2.14 Changelog

· 2 min read
Shader Developer

This update contains additional improvements and is recommended for all users. The Toon version is now available in the VCC Repository, GitHub, and on BOOTH.

See the previous blog posts for an assortment of major features and fixes that were implemented in the last few updates.


  • Clip 0 Width in Outlines is now enabled by default.
    • As per the Documentation, Clip 0 Width removes the Outline from being drawn when the Width is set to 0.
  • Added Shader Translation parameters for Multilayer Math AO.
    • As a side-effect, new properties have been exposed in Multilayer Math to support this.


  • Fixed an issue with the Outlines Section Header being marked as Animated, even though it's not supposed to be.
    • If you are attempting to animate Outlines, please animate the properties instead!
  • Fixed a shader translation inconsistency with Outlines and Clip 0 Width.
  • Fixed a problem with AudioLink options in Vertex Options unable to have access to the Volume and Smoothing Bands and modifiers.
  • Fixed a bug causing Decal Alpha to be applied twice after being translated.

Pro Changes

Grab the latest package of Pro from the Discord Server.

  • Fixed a typo in Geometric Dissolve where the Shape Type property was incorrectly labeled as Gradient Type.

Poiyomi Toon 9.1.23 & Pro 9.2.13 Changelog

· One min read
Shader Developer

This update contains an important bug fix and is recommended for all users. The Toon version is now available in the VCC Repository, GitHub, and on BOOTH.

See the previous blog posts for an assortment of major features and fixes that were implemented in the last few updates.


  • Fixed an issue with the integrated Texture Packer for the Color Adjust Mask having a broken dropdown.

Poiyomi Toon 9.1.22 & Pro 9.2.12 Changelog

· 2 min read
Shader Developer

This update contains a significant amount of bug fixes and is recommended for all users. The Toon version is now available in the VCC Repository, GitHub, and on BOOTH.

See the previous blog post for an assortment of major features that were added in the last update.


  • The Color Grading texture now has a Thry Gradient Editor UI.
  • Outline Color Adjust is now 4 separate floats instead of a float4 so it's easier to animate individual values. Documentation has been updated.
    • This will break existing settings!!
    • Shader Translator was adjusted to accommodate this change.
  • Ignore Directional in Light Data has been renamed to Ignore Directional Lights for clarity.
  • Removed an extra visible Hue Shift checkbox from the Emission 2 Color Adjust. Why was that even there in the first place? The world may never know...
  • Gamma can now be used with Global Masks.


  • Fixed Rim Bias issue when Locking the Material.
    • The Bias wasn't working the same between Locked and Unlocked.
  • Fixed an issue with the Pixel Normal Mix in Reflections & Specular not functioning correctly.
  • Fixed a typo in the Material Property name for Gamma.
    • The Material Property name in question is now _MainGamma instead of _MainGammma.
  • Fixed an issue with the Color Adjust Mask's Alpha value from being used with Gamma.
  • Fixed an issue with Stylized Reflections not correctly detecting Reflection Probes in Worlds.

Poiyomi Toon 9.1.20 & Pro 9.2.11 Changelog

· 5 min read
Shader Developer

It is time to introduce Poiyomi 9.1, a major update containing a significant amount of new features, improvements, as well as bug fixes. This is the first release of the publicly-accessible version of Poiyomi 9.1.

The Toon version is now available in the VCC Repository, GitHub, and on BOOTH.


  • Added Gamma to Color Adjust, which lerps the brightness of the color in regards to it's Hue and tone. Lower values are more lighter, while higher values are more bolder.
  • Added Select or Shift dropdown to Color Adjust and all various other areas of the shader using Hue Shift.
    • This dropdown allows the user to select how the Hue Shift should behave. Hue Shift is the default normal setting, while Hue Select will override the set Hue to the entire Base Color.
  • Added Color Space selection to all areas of the Shader using Hue Shift.
  • Added Lil Reflections mode to Stylized Reflections, which matches the features of LilToon's Reflection.
  • Added SDF as a new Lighting Type for Shading.
  • Added Paste Special..., allowing the user to pick which settings are pasted on the Material from the clipboard.


  • Renamed Stylized Specular to Stylized Reflections to support the newly-added Lil Reflections mode.
  • Warning added when duplicating Materials used in Material Swaps.
  • Included Cubemaps in the Package have been changed to be Specular Convolution, ensuring they appear correctly when used.
  • Indirect Uses Normals now properly smooth transitions between using Normals vs. not using them when using Wrapped Shading.
  • Changed some spots where Black Directional Lights may have interfered with Light Direction.
  • Panning is now supported in Flipbook.
  • Updated Material Translator to support more Material types.
  • Updated Docs link for Stylized Reflections.


  • Fixed compilation errors in the VRChat Worlds SDK.
  • Fixed a bug with Alpha Maps causing trouble with d4rk's Avatar Optimizer.
  • Fixed duplicated new materials overwriting each other if they had the same names.
  • Fixed shader translation issues on Avatars without an Avatar Descriptor.
  • Fixed an issue where different shaders (such as Unity Standard) were being incorrectly translated.
    • Only Materials using LilToon will be Translated. Other shaders will be ignored.
  • Updating from 8.x to 9.1 will set the Hue Shift Color Space to HSV by default, for convenience sake.
  • Fixed Hue Shift running regardless of being turned on in a few spots.
    • This was one of the culprits of the "Black Spot" bug on AMD cards, which was already fixed.
  • Fixed a possible infinite loop in Glitter under really random circumstances that don't make sense.
  • Fixed a bug with Ignore Ambient Light in shadow.
  • Changed how Multilayer Math is applied in order to accommodate extra features.
    • This shouldn't make any big differences for many users. However, please report anything weird you find!
  • Fixed various UI problems over the course of the last updates.
  • Fixed Anisotropic Specular Hide in Shadow for Realistic and Cloth shading.
  • Fixed the Shader Inspector sometimes not appearing.
  • Fixed some Thry UI issues involving multi-float properties.
  • An assortment of small things!

Pro Changes

Grab the latest package of Pro from the Discord Server.

  • Updated SSAO Presets.
  • Improved SSAO sampling methods.
  • Implemented screen-space Interleaved Gradient Noise for SSAO Jitter.

ThryEditor Changes

  • Speedup in initialization and drawing of the UI.
  • Faster parse code.
  • Fixed warnings being thrown when undoing changes in Unity.
  • Thry/Textures/Find Uses added to Context Menu. This gives a list of Materials and Properties where the selected Texture is being used.
  • Searching now has temporary expand states.
    • This will expand the searched regions, but not save the state after clearing the search bar.
  • Changed Search to only expand headers, not sections.
  • If the search term is in a group name, all children are shown in the search.
  • Texture Packer Export Channels (B&W) now have Alpha channel with value 1.
  • Option to enable/disable Crunch Compression for textures generated by the inline packer. This is Off by default.
  • Gradient Drawer now takes color space as a parameter. Options: Gamma/Linear. Default is Linear.
  • Gradient Preview should now update correctly when swapping textures.
  • Gradient Drawer saves texture in Gamma Color Space & with sRGB marked if told in the Drawer.
  • Texture Packer sampled inputs at the top-left corner of each pixel. Added offset to sample at the center instead.
    • This should prevent slight shifts in the texture's position in the final output.
  • Decal Tool: Esc now resets the Decal Settings to before the scene Raycast tools have been used.
  • Decal Undo: Decal modifications are grouped into one Undo upon applying Raycast scene tools.
  • VRAM display now correctly updates when texture changes from Undo/Redo/Reset/Copy.
  • Fixed RenderQueue and VRCFallback properties wrongly getting MaterialProperties assigned.

Poiyomi 9.0 Released

· 8 min read
Shader Developer

I am very excited to announce that version 9.0 of Poiyomi Shaders is now fully available!

This major update contains a vast amount of new features and improvements to the shader. While some areas may look similar to how they were in 8.0, it's worth noting that some sections have significantly changed. I highly recommend you take the time to look them over.

Much of the existing Documentation pages are still relevant, with some notes if applicable. The pages will be updated accordingly to be more in-line with 9.0 in the coming weeks. Some pages have already been updated as well (thanks, BluWizard and Teeh!).

Let's break down the Major Changes:

  • Shader Variants
    • All older versions, including 7.3, 8.0, 8.1 and 8.2, have all been moved under .poiyomi/Old Versions.
      • This means the current main version of Poiyomi Shaders will be .poiyomi/Poiyomi Toon instead.
      • UNLOCK YOUR MATERIALS BEFORE UPGRADING to ensure you have an easy transition to the new naming scheme!
  • RGBA Color Masking
    • RGBA Color Masking has been completely redone from scratch. With this, a much better user interface and workflow is available for you to use.
      • Each Channel has more properties available now compared to before. To see what new areas do exactly, check the Documentation.
  • Matcaps
    • Introducing Gradient UV Mode.
      • This feature works very similarly to Iridescence for those upgrading to 9.0.
      • Use a Gradient Texture in the Matcap texture slot when using Gradient, or use the Thry Gradient Editor to make your own.
    • Increased Matcap Slots from 2 to 4.
    • Added AudioLink to Matcaps.
      • Adjust your Matcap Alpha, Emission, and Intensity with the music Band.
      • This feature was added to accomodate users switching over from using Iridescence.
  • Outlines
    • All Outlines features have been reintroduced to the main shader variant.
      • This means you no longer have to select a separate shader variant in order to use Outlines!
    • Added a new Outline Fixed Size Mode that basically makes Outlines look better at a closer range. This will be on by default on new Materials.
    • Added Color Adjust properties to Outlines.
    • Added more AudioLink settings to Outlines.
      • Enable Color to change the Color of your Outlines with the music Band.
  • Glitter / Sparkle
    • Glitter has received a major UI rework.
    • Added Layers to Glitter.
    • Added Random Rotation Speed Offset to Glitter.
    • Altered the Linear Emission version of Glitter.
    • Added a slider allowing Glitter to scale with Lighting.
      • This would make it sparkly in the light, and dark in the dark.
    • Added AudioLink to Glitter.
      • Play around with Max Brightness, Alpha Mod, Size Mod, Chrono Sparkle Speed, and Chrono Rotation Speed with music Band to create some incredible effects.
  • Iridescence
    • Iridescence has been deprecated in favor of Matcaps. Use Matcaps with Gradient UV Mode instead.
      • This was done because Matcaps can technically do the same thing as Iridescence with a few adjustments.
      • To accomodate users switching over, all AudioLink features have been ported over to Matcaps as well.
  • Rim Lighting
    • Reorganized everything. Same properies, better user experience.
    • Additionally, the Blend Mode property name was changed due to incompatibilities with lilToon naming. Check the Upgrade Guide in the Documentation to see what the default settings were set to.
    • Added experimental LTCGI support. Check the Documentation for more information.
      • This marks the first time it is available in the Free Shader version.

Shader and UI Changes:

  • General UI
    • Varous Elements in the Material UI have been redesigned to make things look better and easier to visually distinguish between other sections.
  • Color Adjust
    • Hue Shift is now using the human perception of color.
      • This means better stability of the Brightness and Saturation with your base color.
    • Added Color Grading.
  • Module Toggles
    • Module Toggles let you remove modules from your shader. Handy if you don't want to deal with all the things you don't use or want to be able to check boxes and see a little less cyan.
  • Rendering
    • Reorganized Rendering Options instead of being randomly ordered. The new order of appearance is now: Blending, Outline Blending, Stencil, and Outline Stencil.
  • Global Masks, Themes, UV Settings, and Post Processing are now organized under the Global Data and Masks Category.
  • Changed Min Brightness for Additive Lights to now function with the luminance value of the additive light rather than the direct RGB values.
    • For reference, "additive lights" are Point and Spot Lights.
  • Decals
    • Added Back Face and Front Face Masking.
  • Cubemap
    • Section rework, including better organization.
    • Added Blurring and Color Adjustment.
  • Reflections & Specular
    • Added Global Masking support.
    • Lit Fallback is now On by default to improve lighting in maps with no Reflection Probe at all.
  • Light Data
    • Added Mirror Vertex Lights (Non-Important) Checkbox to Light Data. This enables separate additive lighting to appear on your Avatar's Mirror Clone.
      • This is enabled by default.
    • Adjusted Vertex Lights so they're more in line with how Additive Lights function.
  • Early Z
    • Added Early Z option to almost every shader rather than having it be it's own shader.
      • To use Early Z, enable it under Rendering on your Material.
  • Grab Pass
    • Massive changes to how Grab Pass works in Poiyomi Shaders. It now allows for all features to be used on it with correct lighting for Opaque surface and Transparent shading.
    • Defaults have been changed so they function correctly.
  • AudioLink
    • Added animatable Overrides to the individual AudioLink Bands for debugging and custom AudioLink inputs.
  • Emissions
    • Added Saturation to Color Adjust.
    • Changed the name of the Hue Shift section to Color Adjust.
  • Vertex Options
    • Added a stupid sphere mode to vertex options because someone really wanted it.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed Clear Coat Global Mask Blending.
  • Fixed a bug where Materials de-select themselves after Locking and Unlocking.
  • Fixed a bunch of duplicate named things that was definitely not copy pasted and was forgotten to be changed.
  • Fixed duplicate sampler names.
  • Fixed Vertex Light issues in Shading and Stylized Specular.
  • Fixed Grab Pass blending at various transparencies.
  • Fixed a problem with additive lighting breaking when Point Light Passthrough was set to 0.
  • Corrected a problem with Packed Map behavior.
  • Fixed Object Position being set incorrectly.
    • It was set to 0,0,0 in World Space and is now correctly set tot he Model's position.
  • Fixed Glitter Color Alpha. It actually now does something.
  • Fixed Grab Pass on the Toon Grab Pass shader.
  • Fixed Export Checker throwing a Null Reference Exception.
  • Fixed Point Lights being too dark at longer ranges. They were recalculated to be more correct.
  • Fixed Light Data Maps not having RGBA Packers.
  • Fixed a script error in the Toon Shader.
  • Fixed some buggy UI in Rim Lighting.
  • Fixed an issue where Reset, Copy, and Pasting of sections were not handling the reference properties correctly.
  • Fixed various Shader Warnings.
    • Turns out that sometimes the Shader Warnings can actually crash the compiler!
  • Fixed a bunch of crashes.
  • Fixed an issue where Unlocked Shaders were included in the Upload when they weren't supposed to due to a failed Auto-Lock or other issue. It will now throw a callback to stop the Upload entirely if this situation is detected.
  • A bunch of other fixes that would take ages to document.


  • Added isPlaying check to Avatar Preprocessor. This should prevent Locking in cases where preprocessing is called for in Editor Test Builds that are not being Uploaded.
  • Added Cross Shader Editor.
    • Use this Tool to edit multiple Poiyomi Materials, all at once.
      • Summon the panel by clicking Thry -> Cross Shader Editor from the Unity Menu.
  • Added organizers which are currently used in Geometric Dissolve and Multilayer Shading.
  • Added Decal Placement Tools, found in the Decal section.
  • Fixed Presets from not functioning or updating correctly.
  • VectorToSlidersDrawer negative support using np. If used all floats in the drawer declaration need to have either n or p in front of it to convert the parameter to a string. n will be converted to a negative float.
  • Fixed a null pointer exception involving the Shader Translator.
  • Various Fixes for Unity 2022.

Poiyomi Toon Shader Now Available via VCC

· 2 min read
Shader Developer

2024-06-01: Updated with new links

When utilizing the Poiyomi Toon Shader through VCC, you have the option to set it up for your project. However, there are some essential considerations to keep in mind, and we'll provide a detailed guide to help you through the process.


To initiate the use of the Poiyomi Toon Shader via VCC, follow these steps to ensure a smooth setup:

  1. Check Existing Installations: Prior to proceeding, it's crucial to verify whether Poiyomi is already installed in your project. This step is essential to prevent conflicts or unexpected behavior.

  2. Adding the Shader to Repo Listing: If you have the latest VCC installed, follow these steps:

  • Go to the Downloads Page

  • Click "Add to VCC" on the instructions for Method 2.

  • Follow the prompts provided to add the shader to your VCC.

  1. Adding Packages to a Project: Within the VPM Interface, perform the following actions:
  • Select your project.

  • Find the "Selected Repos" dropdown.

  • Check "Poiyomi's VPM Repo."

  • Choose the package you wish to add and click the plus button.

Creator Companion VCC Image

If you manage to come accross any issues, don't be shy to join ✨ Poiyomi Shaders Discord ✨ and head to #shader-problems channel!